Breeds of chickens

Hens it comes to breeds and types of chickens, they are quite numerous (Breeds of Chicken). But with the passage of time, the existence of some breeds has become inevitable and some new breeds have also been introduced which came into existence through crossbreeding. By the way, there are countless types and breeds of chickens. But we will describe a few in this article.

Layer Breed Hen :

It is a white hen and it is kept purely for eggs. In terms of favorable environment, care and production, 80% production takes place. That is, 80 out of 100 chickens lay eggs per day in the egg season. The average age is two and a half years. Generally, this breed of chicken matures in six months. It is ready, and starts laying eggs from the seventh month. It costs about 1$ per hen to raise it from the initial stages to laying eggs. 1000 chickens produce less than 22,000 eggs per month and each egg is sold at a wholesale rate of 0.035$.

In this way, an investment of 1070$ to 1430$ starts earning an income of 350$ to 700$ per month, if the operating expenses are taken out, then 350$ to 430$ per month is obtained from a farm with 1000 chickens and this Received continuously for two years. This chicken lays eggs, its meat does not cook quickly.

Buy it from trusted store

Buy it from trusted store

Broiler Chicken:

Golden Breed Hen:

It is red in color and is very pampered and lovingly reared, eats favorite foods, and has an average lifespan of four years, after six months it is able to lay eggs, its meat is very tasty, Sheds are made to raise this chicken, its production is also possible in cities on a small scale, this chicken does not reproduce, but its eggs have the power of reproduction, its eggs are slightly brown in color. This breed of chicken lays eggs without pause in winter and summer.

Egyptian chicken:

This Breeds of Chicken is a mixture of black and white color. Its characteristics are similar to golden chicken.

Golden Egyptian Crossbreed:

This hen lays the most eggs (more than 250 per year). Its egg is called desi and is sold more expensive than the white egg of the lear. It is generally reared in open sheds. If the eggs are to be sealed for eating, then the male bird is not needed, but if its egg is to be laid in the hatchery, then chickens are raised in the ratio of one male to ten chickens. The best time for laying chicks for farming is the months of March and April. In this way, the hen starts laying eggs before the arrival of winter and thus the best price can be charged for this egg. Usually after one year the hen is sold for meat and a new chick is hatched. This work is very profitable if done with proper care.

Aseel Chicken:

The word ASEEL is the urdu language word. Aseel chickens enthusiasts are found in abundance in Pakistan. Apart from this, in England and Arab countries (Dubai and Saudia, etc.), the hobby of breeding purebred chickens remains to some extent. It is a rare and superior chicken, it is in high demand in the market, the chickens of this breed are usually used in village fair fights, and are sold in thousands, its eggs are used for breeding, A small-breed native hen hatches after 10 to 15 eggs and a large native hen hatches after 35 to 40 eggs. If she is placed on the eggs, she keeps the eggs hidden in her tender wings for 21 consecutive days on a small diet and then the chicks are born.

Aseel Chicken
Aseel Breed
Aseel Chicken Breed

For about four months, she also protects her chicks and teaches them how to chew grains. The weight of this chicken is from three to four kilos. Due to its long stature, its meat is also high and tasty, but people breed this breed only to obtain chickens to be sold at high prices when needed. Due to the non-production of eggs, despite being valuable and expensive, no special attention is being paid to the farming of this chicken, so its breed is slowly disappearing.

Bald Chicken:

Bald Chicken is a very good looking type of hen (Breeds of Chicken). It has no feathers on its neck but has a few feathers on its head. It is a native type of chicken. Its egg production is also good. He is of medium height.

Bald Chicken (Breeds of Chicken)

Grey Chicken:

It is a mixture of black and white. Its height is also medium. Egg production is also good.

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